Is Story Structure Necessary?

Structuring a story can include very thorough/meticulous organizing and outlining. It can also be the use of a story archetype to best deliver your message. Or formulating your sentences and paragraphs so that your ideas flow smoothly. They can be all of these things, just one of these things and more. Applying structure to a story definitely doesn't require one cookie-cutter formula.
11 Doable Tips to Complete Your Reading List Like a Pro

To avoid coming across a book you absolutely hate and will regret buying, get to know the book before putting it on your reading list...
How To Write A Book As A Plotter: 5 Plotting Methods

This post is a bonus post to my previous post, where you’ll see how I figured out whether I am a Plotter or a Panster. I also laid out the plotting method I’m going to try out to write my…
22 Ways To Recycle, Reuse, and Repurpose Old Unwanted Books

Being able to use books to make new furniture has definitely topped the cake for me. Imagine making a small table structure using old books and topping it off with a paper mache top.
Quickly Write Your College Paper in 5 Easy Steps

If you want to write a decent or really good essay quickly you first have to know what your teacher wants. What does he/she want you to know and write?
9 Practical Ways to Increase Your Writing Stamina

Have you noticed discrepancies in your work when you write in a warmer room versus a cool one? When you write while listening to fast music or slow music? Or when you write in the morning, afternoon, or at night?...
Improving My Greatest Writing Weakness: Grammar & 7 Tips to Improve Your Grammar

I am not perfect and mistakes are bound to happen when writing. But if these mistakes distract readers from the story then this mistake has got to be dealt with. Because when I publish a story ( and soon a novel ) I want people to read my story and enjoy its events, not be distracted by my grammar
Don’t Forget These 5 Things When You Buy Your Writer’s Notebook

After embarrassing myself on a train fumbling with a notebook and pencil I learned that there were some things to consider whenever I go to buy my writer's notebook. And some things for you to consider too. Your writer's notebook should suit you and your stories.
Coming Up With A Title For A Story

I never expected to struggle with story titles. And I haven’t really considered it much until recently. Whenever I write stories that I don’t publish or don’t need to submit for class assignments, titles arent an issue. If anything most…