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What Should I Write As An Author & Writer?

Questions and more questions can continue to form, trying to decide what type of writing to do. What should I write? is a question that I had to ask myself over and over again when I got serious…

Places To Submit Your Writing

As an aspiring author, I am working on a beautiful story to be published as a book period as you probably are too. I also have short stories and other types of pieces in the work as well. Some of them are old and are the pieces that I first wrote and others newer pieces…

7 Best Writer Tools

Writing on paper initially allows me to be more focused than I can be on a laptop. With pencil and paper, the editing process may be messier. But…

The 12 Character Archetypes

Table of ContentsThe RulerThe HeroThe ExplorerThe InnocentThe Wise aka SageThe Jester aka JokerThe CaregiverThe Everyman aka…The LoverThe CreaterThe HealerThe Magician aka Power-fullThe Rebel The Ruler The Hero The Explorer The Innocent The Wise aka Sage The Jester aka Joker The Caregiver The Everyman aka… The Lover The Creater The Healer The Magician aka Power-full The…

How To Use Creative Writing Prompts To Not Write Your Amazing Stories

Use story prompts to tackle your writing weakness so that you can make them stronger, and to sharpen your strengths. Picking variations of the same kind of prompts to practice can help you do so. You can also use the same prompt over and over, between months or weeks to track your progress.

16 Extraordinary Bestseller Books By Black Authors That You’ll Love

That sort of literary success contributes to positive racial stereotypes and pushes the probability of black authors succeeding financially higher. These bestseller books specially catches the attention of black audiences and uses the medium to educate, uplift, affirm, testify, comfort and inspire. And for this Black History Month, here are …

Is Story Structure Necessary?

Structuring a story can include very thorough/meticulous organizing and outlining. It can also be the use of a story archetype to best deliver your message. Or formulating your sentences and paragraphs so that your ideas flow smoothly. They can be all of these things, just one of these things and more. Applying structure to a story definitely doesn’t require one cookie-cutter formula.

9 Practical Ways to Increase Your Writing Stamina

Have you noticed discrepancies in your work when you write in a warmer room versus a cool one? When you write while listening to fast music or slow music? Or when you write in the morning, afternoon, or at night?…

2 Things To Consider When Picking A Genre To Write In

Choosing a genre is semi-important and will happen anyway. Even if you pick multiple genres, don’t limit yourself by committing to one too early. hoosing a genre is semi-important and will happen anyway. Even if you pick multiple genres, don’t limit yourself by committing to one too early. And when you do get to the point where you’re ready to pick a genre to write in, don’t forget my two very impotant considerations…

The Writer: The Plan for Sucess

Then, being serious about writing meant considering writing to be something I could professionally pursue. So I did. 
Now, taking writing seriously means creating finer writing goals and drawing up an actionable plan to achieve these goals.

9 of the Best Type-A Planners to Organize Your Life in 2024

Thick all-around planners that come with extra space for me to set goals, take notes, track projects, record important info, and even brainstorm are what usually catch my eye. Especially customizable planners that I can make as big or as small as I want…

Save Your Bookstore With These 17 Unique Business Ideas

Bookstores were inevitably going to experience some sort of (initial) decline before the industry fully adapted to the digital age and its advancements. However, the Corona Virus aka Covid-19 accelerated this decline…But instead of a decline, this is the perfect opportunity for book stores to make their comeback. But it may require a little evolving unless all the internet and technology suddenly fails.

7 Ways To Make Money Writing and Reading in 2022

Other professions are more obviously lucrative, promising faster financial success and more financial security. Being a successful writer requires a bit more time for the money to roll in. Here are 8 ways you can make money as a writer this year, faster than you can write your book. Some of these methods can be side hustles and others can turn into a stable source of income.

8 Ways Published Authors Can Make money

the many ways published authors can make money, with traditional publishing, self publishing, hybrid publishing  and ways that work no matter how a book is published…

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